On December 5th, 2013, Paul Ehlen and AirCorps Aviation hosted a gathering of people connected with Sierra Sue II’s history at Vintage Aircraft. Relatives from Lt. Robert Bohna’s family attended as did a diverse group who had flown Sierra Sue II, worked on her during her past, or had written about her.


The guests converged on tiny Sonoma Valley airport from Minnesota, northern California, the Los Angeles area and elsewhere around the country.

Robert Bohna’s sister, Susie Hickman, her son Eric, grandnieces Christina Gonzalez and Justina Rose Bohna –Martin filled in many missing pieces of the history puzzle of Lt. Bohna and Sierra Sue II’s wartime period.


James Kunkel told an absolutely riveting story of his air combat days and subsequent shoot down and recovery.


Everyone enjoyed the atmosphere, comradery and excellent food provided. Chris Prevost rolled out his P-40N and a Mustang based at the airport.


pictures by Max Haynes

(Text excerpted from Aircorps Aviation website.)



To see an earlier essay that features Sierra Sue II and her hand-off from "Doc" Christgau to Paul Ehlen click here.

To view the progress of the plane at Aircorps Aviation, click here.